The Dance Workshop
Diane Briscoe
Profile Details
Specialisation: Classical Ballet
Qualifications: M. Accty, B.Com (Melit), AIA

Excerpt from “New Year’s Day Concert” - Choreography Diane Briscoe
Performance: My Favourite Things, May 2022
Photo: John Grech
Diane Briscoe started classical ballet at The Dance Workshop at the age of 6. While at the school, she has had the opportunity of participating in both local and international dance competitions, including the Cecchetti Classical Ballet Awards at Sadler’s Wells Theatre in London. In November 2015, she represented the school during the CHOGM opening ceremony. Moreover, she has attended a number of dance courses at The Dance Workshop and at Ateneo Danza in Forli, enhancing her dance portfolio mainly in classical ballet and contemporary. She obtained her degree in Accountancy and Management as well as her Masters in Accountancy from the University of Malta. Diane is currently employed as an accountant with one of Malta's top Luxury Cruise & Travel companies whilst also pursuing her passion for dance and reading for her Diploma in Dance Education so that she can continue to further her knowledge and love for teaching classical ballet to young, aspiring ballerinas.