The Dance Workshop
Pamela Kerr
Profile Details
Specialisation: Classical Ballet
Qualifications: FISTD (CDE)
Holder of the Enrico Cecchetti Diploma, B. Psy (Hons)

“Feels Like Summer” – Choreography Pamela Kerr
Performance: My Favourite Things, May 2022
Photo: John Grech
Pamela Kerr is an independent dance artist who mainly works on choreography and rehearsal direction. She started her training at the Tanya Bayona Academy and after spending some time studying at London Studio Centre she resumed her training locally at The Dance Workshop under the direction of Theresa Lungaro-Mifsud. She has worked with various dance artists and companies both locally and internationally and her work has been presented in Malta, Portugal, Italy, Cyprus and most recently Dubai. In 2018 TAG, a performance she co-directed and choreographed together with Kostas Papamatthaiakis, was nominated for Best Performance for young audiences. Pamela teaches classical ballet at The Dance Workshop.