The Dance Workshop
Sue Vassallo
Profile Details
Specialisation: Hip Hop
Qualifications: DDI

“Music” - Choreography Sue Vassallo
Performance: My Favourite Things, May 2022
Photo: John Grech
Sue Vassallo is a qualified ISTD Modern Theatre teacher and started her dance training at the age of 8. She is now a freelance dance teacher and choreographer, with 17 years’ experience teaching Jazz and Hip Hop at different dance schools across Malta. Sue is well known for being one of Malta’s top Hip Hop teachers and has trained in Spain, Italy, England and America, when she and one of her students were granted a scholarship by world famous choreographer Shane Sparks, to attend classes at the infamous Millennium Dance Studios and Debbie Reynolds Dance Studios in LA. She has choreographed and performed many TV adverts, programs and performances including Bay Music Awards, Junior Eurovision, Fashion Awards, Dance Power, Nescafe Dolce Gusto advert, Kinnie advert and most recently performed on X Factor. Sue also performed alongside music artists JA RULE and FLO RIDA when they performed in Malta. In 2014 Sue was the youngest board member of the big dance festival MIDCE, alongside well known and established local choreographers from different genres, where she took on the role of Hip Hop Consultant. In 2016 and 2017 Sue was invited to teach and be on the judging panel at Non Solo Danza in Sicily. Sue’s musical theatre experience includes chorus member in the musical FAME (2005) and in MADC’s Christmas Panto Hercules (2007). She also spent many years teaching dance at Musical Theatre Schools as well as choreographing for many of their shows. Sue choreographed the entire hit musical Rock of Ages (2016) Alice in Wonderland the Panto 2017/18) Comedy Knights (2018/19), Comedy Knights and Comedy Knights Junior (2019/20)